
The Canadian Business Hall of Fame – May 12, 2022

March 17, 2022 National

As planning continues, we're looking forward to the Canadian Business Hall of Fame (CBHF) Induction Ceremony & Celebration on May 12, 2022.

We will hounour our distinguished 2022 Inductees into the Canadian Business Hall of Fame:

  • Maureen Kempston Darkes O.C., O. Ont., D. Comm., LL.D. General Motors Group Vice President, President GM Latin America, Africa & Middle East (Retired)
  • Hassan Khosrowshahi O.C., O.B.C. Chairman, Persis Holdings
  • André Desmarais O.C., O.Q. Deputy Chairman, Power Corporation of Canada
  • Paul Desmarais, Jr. O.C., O.Q., MBA Chairman, Power Corporation of Canada
  • Paul Guy Desmarais, Sr. posthumous (1927-2013) P.C., C.C., O.Q. - Former Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Power Corporation of Canada

With the pace of Ontario’s reopening, we are optimistic that we will be proceeding with an in-person celebration at the Metro Toronto Convention Center at 6p.m. However, we continue to plan for either an in-person or a virtual broadcast event as we continue to closely monitor public health guidelines.

Each year, at the Canadian Business Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony & Celebration, we recognize and celebrate the accomplishments of some of Canada’s most distinguished business leaders. Inductees are chosen as Companions of the Order of the Canadian Business Hall of Fame to honour their contributions to the economic development and prosperity of Canada.

As leading examples of achievement in business and in life, these individuals demonstrate the qualities necessary to ensure the success and competitiveness of Canada in a global marketplace. As Companions, they serve as mentors and role models for Junior Achievement’s (JA) youth and Canada’s future business leaders.

There are several ways that you can support the CBHF this year:

  • Become a sponsor
  • Purchase event tickets
  • Donate in honour of a 2022 Inductee or a past CBHF Companion
  • Donate in honour of tomorrow's leaders

For more information on how you can support the CBHF, please contact Kate Webb, Development Manager at 647-428-7088 or by email at

Learn more about event by visiting the Canadian Business Hall of Fame website.

Our mission is to inspire and prepare young people to succeed in a global economy.