

Wednesday 31 July 2024 | National

"The growth I have seen in many students is exponential.  I always tell them to apply YOGO WYPI to their company program experience—You Only Get Out, What You Put In.  Therefore, go outside your comfort zone, so that you will grow, enhance existing skillsets, and acquire and develop new skillsets to benefit your future. 

I have enjoyed my 25 companies, and it is so gratifying when I hear a student say, I didn’t know what I wanted to do after Grade 12, and thanks to my JA experience, I am now headed for post-secondary to obtain my Commerce degree.  Many students stay connected and that is also further heart-warming, as I learn about where their future has taken them applying what they learned from their JA experience.  I believe this is the best real-life, relevant class for students in high school (next to Financial Literacy) to benefit their future endeavors."

-Margot Arnold

Learn More About Margot Arnold Through This Interview

How long have you been incorporating JA Company Program into your classroom?

I have been teaching for 23 years at the end of June 2024. I have taught Entrepreneurship since 2002 and incorporated the Junior Achievement Program into my Ent. 30 class since 2014.

A former Entrepreneurship teacher then working for the Ministry of Education, arranged a meeting with me to discuss this option. 

I have never gone back to textbook and assignment/project base. The hands-on, real-life experience provides an invaluable experience for the students.

How may JA Company Program teams have you supported/mentored over the years?

I have supported/mentored 25 Junior Achievement companies--this semester is my last and 25th company.

What types of businesses have your students developed? Do you have any highlights that you can share?

Students often ask me, which was your favorite?  I reply all of them! The ideas for JA products have varied over the years and many were unique. JA SK has annual Business Hall of Fame Awards.  Several of the JA companies listed below have won numerous awards including Product Design. 

What skills have you seen your students develop or further enhance by participating in JA Company Program?

The skills the students have developed, enhanced, and acquired are dependent on what they put into the company.  It is so rewarding to see the growth from the beginning of the semester until the end. 

What do you feel is the biggest takeaway students gain from the program?

I believe one of the biggest takeaways for students is learning how to work respectively with everyone.  The companies are comprised of such varying personalities, which may clash sometimes, and you have to learn to make it work.  Also, students can easily see this program as one which so many life skills occur.  Teamwork, Communication, Organization, Leadership are all areas where I have observed students grow from the beginning to the end of the semester.

Do you have any students quotes you can share?

“Thanks to Junior Achievement, I am currently planning to pursue a career in business after high school.”

“The Junior Achievement Program has taught me hands-on what running a business is all about. It is a unique program that lets young adults experience more than just questions out of a textbook.”

“The Junior Achievement Program was an incredible experience, and I learned more than I ever imagined about business and how to apply it to real-life.”

“Junior Achievement gave me a real sense of business and responsibility.”

“Junior Achievement gave me the confidence that I can be a business leader of tomorrow.”

Do you have any words of wisdom to share with those who may be thinking of supporting JA Company Program in their classroom?

I believe the Junior Achievement program is invaluable.  It is a “real life” hands-on class where students repeatedly say it was their best class in high school.  I encourage my students to not only make a PROFIT, but to make a DIFFERENCE!  Ten percent of their company profits must be donated to a charity/non-profit of the company’s choice.  To date, without the 25th company’s donation, the WCS Junior Achievement program has donated $17,625.47 back to charities and non-profits.

A huge thank you to Margot for her time and dedication to the JA Company Program! 

Friday 21 June 2024 | National

Jenna Knupp JA Canada

Tell us about your JA company and your role within the company?

My name is Jenna Knupp, and I was a co-president for Sweets & Treats Co, for the junior achievement program at Weyburn Comprehensive School. Sweets & Treats Co was a retail food company that focused on selling a variety of treats including chocolate covered pretzels in two flavors white and milk chocolate, Christmas crunch which was a chocolate covered popcorn snack mix, fudge pops in two flavors maple and chocolate and fudge in two main flavors maple and chocolate. Fudge was our main focus, so as well in January we did a specialty fudge promotion that included six new flavors of fudge Orange Chocolate Swirl, Mint Chocolate Swirl, Vanilla, Vanilla M&M, Chocolate Chip Swirl and our fan favorite Cookies & Cream. Our company was extremely successful, bringing in $18,135.69 in sales with $12,500.00 in profit. Myself alone I brought in $3,794.20 in sales, which represented 24.5% of the company’s total revenue.

Our company was proud to donate $1,389.20 to the Andon Hoff Memorial fund as a way to give back to our community. Our company was very successful, and I am so proud of all we accomplished. Since my JA experience has come to an end, I decided to use all the skills I learned to start my own business.

My fudge company is called “Jenna’s Sweet Shop” and hope to expand my fudge flavor pallet and market my product in memory of my grandma who was also a fudge entrepreneur.

What did you learn by participating in the JA Company Program?

Junior Achievement taught me so many valuable lessons that I will take with into my post-secondary education and my future career. I was constantly being asked questions and being asked to come up with solutions to any problems that came to the surface. I would evaluate situations and resolve conflict between my peers on a daily basis. I also learned how different personalities mix together to create a team. Everyone has value and needs to be treated with respect. Each person brings something different to the table, some personalities might be more outgoing and energetic, while others might be more calm and thoughtful. When you combine all of the different aspects you can create a well-rounded team that can tackle any challenge thrown their way.

No matter how stressful the situation was or how overwhelmed I felt I made sure to have constant resilience and to always bring a positive attitude to class each day. I was nominated for salesperson of the year, achiever of the year and president of the year by my peers. This experience has put me in a real workplace environment and showed me that I can handle a lot more than I thought I could. Alongside junior achievement, I also played on the school basketball team. Maintaining my grades was especially important to me, so I had to be mindful of how I used my time. I worked hard to create a balance between academics, sports, and my leadership role. Which is a skill I am thankful to have learned from junior achievement.

Would you recommend this program to other students?

Junior achievement is a wonderful program that helps young adults start early in the business world. If you are interested in anything business or entrepreneurship related the JA program is the perfect class to take. JA didn’t only give me new knowledge in business but also left me with new lifelong friends. I would recommend the JA program to all other students as it doesn’t only give you business knowledge but also new skillsets like teamwork, multitasking, communication and critical thinking. All these skills can be used in any job, not only business-related jobs, so I recommend everyone take part in the Junior achievement program.

Wednesday 22 December 2021 | Saskatchewan

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